

Co Sligo

VAT: IE 9040900Q

Quote Number QUO-528
Quote Date August 19, 2022
Valid Until March 31, 2023
Total €13,585.95
Mary Immaculate College


Very poor: severe overall microbial  and mould degradation with with major weaknesses lacunae and poor binding functionality as result

Volumes cannot be accessed in their current state to make them accessible conservation is required

Proposed conservation


  1. Dismantle binding and textblock into loose sections and double leaves
  2. Dryclean where appropriate and possible

  3. The degraded areas may need to be prepared with alcohol/water to make the hydrophobic areas acceptable for leafcast infills.
  4. Place on non woven polyester supports and wash by immersion in a mild alkaline water bath
  5. Leafcast infills of missing parts.

  6. Size leaves with methylcellulose add additional Japanese tissue support applied with wheat starch paste

  7. Leave to dry between wool felts
  8. Trim excess repairs
  9. Regather leaves, add extra new endpaper sections


  1. Remove old leather and cloth spine linings
  2. Resew textblock on linen tapes
  3. Consolidate existing endpapers and cloth centrefold reinforcements
  4. Add new aerolinen spine linings
  5. Add new springback and reversed goat skin spine
  6. Consolidate board corners and add new reversed goat corner pieces
  7. Consolidate worn board edges and add new cloth repair pieces where required
  8. Consolidate existing leather


Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
75 Paper conservation Book 1
8.5 Binding conservation Book1
1 Materials

- goat skin
- aerolinen
- Reversible PVA
- 600 mic archival board
- archival mill board
- wheat starch paste

100 Paper conservation Book 2
8.5 Binding conservation Book 2
1 Materials

- goat skin
- aerolinen
- Reversible PVA
- 600 mic archival board
- archival mill board
- wheat starch paste

Sub Total €11,970.00
VAT @ 13.5% €1,615.95
VAT @ 23% €0.00
Total €13,585.95

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